There are many benefits of ending your probation early: avoiding additional costs, lowering your risk of a violation, eliminating anxiety, and a general sense of freedom, to name a few. But how do you know if you qualify for an early release? Attorney John B. Seed is here to help. We’ve outlined everything you need to know to be granted a probation termination.
If you are in the New Bedford, MA area and are looking for an experienced probation attorney, contact Attorney John B. Seed to set up a free consultation.
Think About Your Reasoning
Primarily, someone who is seeking early probation termination has to have a valid reason. Your reason must prove that staying on probation would cause you to experience hardship. Reasons may include a job opportunity in another state or for the well-being of your family.
Keep in mind that in Massachusetts, anyone who is convicted of a serious felony or has a history of violence will not be considered for early probation release.
Obey the Orders of Your Probation
When a judge is considering your appeal to end probation early, they will take a look at your track record. If you have obeyed all the orders of your probation and are in good standing, that will certainly put you at an advantage. This includes following all regulations, attending counseling, completing community service, or whatever your guidelines may be.
Avoid New Arrests
This may seem like a no-brainer, but it is essential that you stay out of trouble and avoid any additional arrests. Your probationary period is intended to prove to the judge that you are acting on your best behavior and contributing positively to the community. Being involved in any new crimes or arrests is a major step backward.
Pay Your Restitution
Many probations come with a fee. This can apply to court costs, fines, and restitution. If you have completed all other orders laid out to you, the judge will likely grant you an early release once you pay off all your fines.
Get the Help of a Probation Attorney
In Massachusetts law, there are two ways to make a motion to terminate probation early: hire a criminal defense attorney or make a request to your probation officer. Hiring an attorney who is deeply knowledgeable about magistrate and probation law puts you at an advantage. They will be able to explain the terms of your probation, represent you, and help you avoid jail time for any violations.
File A Motion
To actively request probation termination, you will need to file a motion in court. Once you request a motion, the judge will hold a hearing. This is where you will be able to state your case.
For more information about Massachusetts probation laws or to contact the Commissioner’s office, follow this link.
Choose John B. Seed
When you need representation for your probation case, you need a trustworthy and professional attorney. Attorney John B. Seed has been trusted to serve Bristol County and the greater Boston area in various criminal defense cases. If you are in or around the New Bedford, MA, area and would like to set up a free consultation regarding your probation case, contact the office of John B. Seed today.